Sonja John, Dagnawchew Assefa and Busha Taa (eds.): Cultures of
Democracy–From Theory to Lived Experiences. Addis Abeba: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2017. (in
Sonja John: Steherrennen–Die Schrittmacherszene im Porträt. Bielefeld: Delius Klasing Verlag, 2016.
Claudia Ulbrich, Sonja John und Harald Weishaupt: Demokratie als Lebensform. Grundkurs für
Demokratieberater_innen. Halle: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen in Russland e.V. 2014.
Sonja John (ed.): Bohumil Pavlicek–Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag des Radsporttrainers. Berlin:
pidi-Verlag, 2012. Infos►
Sonja John: Enacting Empowerment–Implications from the Oglala Oyate Woitancan Empowerment
Zone. Berlin: pidi-Verlag, 2011. Infos►
Sonja John: 30 Jahre Berlin. 18 echte Berliner erzählen aus ihrer Geschichte. Berlin: pidi-Verlag,
2007. Infos►
Book Chapters
Sonja John: Lakota Veterans, Military Heroism, and Traditional Valor. In: Simon Wendt (ed.): Race,
Gender, and Military Heroism in U.S. History. From World War I to 9/11. Philadelphia: Temple
University Press, 2018. (under review).
Sonja John: Indigenize Democracy–Public Reasoning and Participation as Democratic Foundation. In:
Sonja John, Dagnawchew Assefa and Busha Taa (eds.): Cultures of Democracy–From Theory to
Lived Experiences. Addis Abeba: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2017. (in print).
Nigisti Gebreslassie and Sonja John: Hope for Tomorrow through Street Children Dialogue. In: Sonja
John, Dagnawchew Assefa and Busha Taa (eds.): Cultures of Democracy–From Theory to Lived
Experiences. Addis Abeba: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2017. (in print).
Dagnachew Assefa, Busha Taa and Sonja John: Introduction. In: Sonja John, Dagnawchew Assefa and
Busha Taa (eds.): Cultures of Democracy–From Theory to Lived Experiences. Addis Abeba:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2017. (in print).
Sonja John: Orality Overwritten–Power Relations in Textualization. In Sebastian Fink (ed.):
Language Situation and Language Politics. Münster: Ugrit-Verlag, 2017.
Sonja John: Wakening. Political Potential of Weetigo Narratives. In: Robert Rebitsch, Fritz Pöhl und
Sebastian Fink (eds.): Die Konstruktion des Kannibalen zwischen Fiktion und Realität. Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz Verlag, 2017, pp. 267-285. Infos►
Sonja John: “Die Säcke kriege ich!” In Sonja John (ed): Bohumil Pavlicek - Festschrift zum 65.
Geburtstag des Radsporttrainers. Berlin: pidi-Verlag, 2012, pp. 78-80. Infos►
Journal Articles
Sonja John: Cartoonist Marty Two Bulls as a Modern Heyoka. In: Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of
Social Science and the Humanities, Vol. 4/1, 2017. (under review).
Sonja John: Johnny Depp on a Happiness Mission in Wounded Knee. In: Ethiopian Renaissance
Journal of Social Science and the Humanities, Vol. 2/2, 2015, 3-17. Read: ►
Sonja John: Indigenous Activism and Feminism. In: Theory in Action, Vol. 8/4, 2015, pp. 38-54.
Infos► Read: ►
Sonja John: Lässt sich Museumsarbeit Indigenisieren? Zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des National
Museum of the American Indian. In AmerIndian Research, Band 9/3, 2014, Nr. 33, pp. 162-166.
Read: ►
Sonja John: Idle No More–Indigene Aktivistinnen und Feminismen, in: Femina Politica 1/2014.
Frauenbewegungen in nationalen und transnationalen Handlungsräumen: pp. 89-102. Read: ►
Sonja John: Normative Macht und Lakota-Rechtschreibung. In: AmerIndian Research 8/3 (29): pp.
168-174. Read: ►
Sonja John: Das nicht-existierende Museum in Wounded Knee–Eine Bestandsaufnahme (Teil 2). In:
Magazin für Amerikanistik, Heft 1 /1. Quartal 2013, pp. 5-11. Read: ►
Sonja John: Das nicht-existierende Museum in Wounded Knee–Eine Bestandsaufnahme (Teil 1). In:
Magazin für Amerikanistik, Heft 4 / 4. Quartal 2012, pp. 14-20. Read: ►
Conference Papers
Sonja John: Willfulness and Refusal–Does Native American Refusal Fit into Sarah Ahmed’s
Willfulness Archive? American Indian Workshop “The Art of Resistance and Resurgence,”
Goldsmiths University of London, UK July 4-6, 2017.
Sonja John, Lishan Eticha, Solomon Girma and Tigist Girma: Amharisch-Deutsch für Tourismus,
Poster Presentation at the Technology Transfer and Community Service Conference, University of
Gondar, June 9, 2017. View: ►
Sonja John: The Reasonable Turn–The Implications of Amartya Sen’s Revised Democracy Definition.
2nd National Conference on Political Science, Bahir Dar University, June 2, 2017.
Sonja John: Participation and Refusal–For an Investigation of the Reach of Public Reasoning as
Democratic Foundation, Conference “Cultures of Democracy”, University of Gondar, April 7-8,
Sonja John: The Politics of Representation and Digital Language Revitalization Projects. American
Anthropological Association, Denver, November 18-21, 2015.
Sonja John: Johnny Depp on a Happiness Mission in Wounded Knee. American Indian Workshop
“Knowledge and Self-Presentation”, Frankfurt/M., May 24-27, 2015.
Sonja John: Wounded Generations of Lakota Veterans and the Idea of Intergenerational Heroism.
Conference "Race, Gender and Military Heroism in US History: From World War I to 9/11",
Frankfurt/M., 20.-21.3.2015.
Sonja John: Weetigo–Function and Interpretation of the Cannibalistic Character in Cree Narrative.
Constructing the Cannibal Conference, University of Innsbruck, Austria, November 27-28, 2014.
Sonja John: Cartoonist as the Modern Heyoka. Native American and Indigenous Studies Conference,
Austin, TX, May 29, 2014.
Sonja John: Humor is Key–The Cartoonist Marty Two Bulls. American Indian Workshop, Leiden,
May 24, 2014.
Sonja John: Aid Projects in between Solidarity and Neocolonialism. Native American and Indigenous
Studies Conference, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 15, 2013.
Sonja John: Language Politics Today–Who determines the Standard to Write Lakota? Language
Situation and Politics Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, July 5, 2013.
Sonja John: Wounded Knee–A Barren Site. American Indian Workshop, Zürich, April 1, 2012.
Lectures and Talks
Sonja John: AlterNative Memorial Practices among the Oglala Lakota of the Pine Ridge Reservation.
Institute of American Studies, Humboldt-Universität von Berlin, July 13, 2017. (forthcoming).
Sonja John: Academic Writing as Communication. Female Academicians Organization, University of
Gondar, January 14, 2017.
Sonja John: Native Americans in Museums–Possibilities and Parameters for Participation. Part of the
lecture series “‘Indian Images’–Visual Representations of Native Americans,” Technical University
Dresden, January 7, 2014.
Sonja John: New Orthography to Save the Lakota Language–Help or Harm? Institute of American
Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, January 15, 2013.
Karen White Butterfly and Sonja John: Lakota Political Representation Traditionally and
Today–Reasons for the Occupation of Wounded Knee 1973 and its Effects. Center for Comparative
Native and Indigenous Studies, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, July 12, 2012.
Sonja John: Memorializing Practices. Institute for American Studies, Technical University Dortmund,
June 14, 2012.
Sonja John: Oglala Oyate Woitancan Empowerment Zone–Presentation of Findings to the
Empowerment Zone Board of Directors, Porcupine, SD, January 30, 2012.
Book Reviews
Sonja John: Authentische Repräsentationen zeitgenössischer Lakota im Englischlehrwerk English G
Access Band 4. In: AmeriIndian Research Band 11, Nr. 42, 4/2016, pp. 274-275. Read: ►
Sonja John: Es soll keinen Exoten neben mir geben. Ein Gefängnispfarrer erzählt die Geschichten der
Anderen. In: Der Lichtblick 1/2016, pp. 26-27. Read: ►
Sonja John: Über Gefängnismedizin. Herausforderungen der Gesundheitsfürsorge in Haft. In: Der
Lichtblick 3/2015, pp. 36-39. Read: ►
Sonja John: Über Wachen und Verschlafen. Das Buch “FreiTod? SelbstMord? BilanzSuizid?” liefert
Argumente für eine menschenwürdige Gefängniskultur. In: Der Lichtblick 2/2015, pp. 40-41. Read:
Sonja John: Gangster ohne Gang. Zur Weltpremiere von “The Seventh Fire”. In: AmerIndian
Research, Band 10/2, 2015, Nr. 36, pp. 115. Read: ►
Radio Contributions
Sonja John: Akicita heißt Krieger–Indianische Vietnam-Veteranen. Radio Bayern2, Weitwinkel,
November 28, 2015. Listen: ►
Sonja John: Nicht länger untätig–Idle No More. Radio Bayern2, Weitwinkel, March 8, 2014. Listen:
Sonja John: Oglala Women and the Occupation of Wounded Knee. Radio Bayern 2, Weitwinkel, April
27, 2013. Listen: ►
Sonja John and Daphne Richard-Cook: Empowerment Zone–End of Funding and New Chances for
Pine Ridge. Kili Radio, Porcupine, SD, February 1, 2012.
Essays, Conference Reports, Apps
Sonja John: The Long Distance Researcher. In: Ethiopian Renaissance Journal of Social Science and
the Humanities, Vol. 4/1, 2017. (under review).
Sonja John, Solomon Girma, Tigist Girma, Rahwa Youssuf, Josef Adela, Abebe Melese (Software:
Lishan Eticha and Yosef Birhanu): Amharenja-Dschermenenja Leturism / Amharisch-Deutsch für
Tourismus. University of Gondar.
Jens Temmen und Sonja John: Biopolitics–Geopolitics–Life: Settler Colonialism and Indigenous
Presence in North America. Conference report. In: HSozKult. Read: ►
Sonja John: Ein großer Schaden ist entstanden. In Lichtblick 03/2014, 6-7. Read: ►
Ph.D., Political Science, Free University Berlin
Thesis title: Enacting Empowerment. Implications from the Oglala Oyate Woitancan Empowerment
Dipl.-Pol. (M.A.), Political Science, Free University Berlin
Thesis title: The Empowerment Strategy of Indian Communities. The Case of the Pine Ridge Indian
M.A., Lakota Leadership and Management, Oglala Lakota College, Kyle, SD, USA
Thesis title: Lakota Tawooyake: Oyate Tawooyake Omnaye Wanji Oglala Yatipi Lel Cinpi (The Need
for a Lakota Oral History Collection)
Vordiplom (B.A.), Political Science, Free University Berlin
Thesis title: Das Ende der Arbeit und die Idee des garantierten Grundeinkommens
Email: sonja @ – natürlich ohne Leerzeichen
© Sonja John 2016